

so, this time i'm writing something different. Nothing wrong, just want to type these kind of words.
It's October, and raining hard out there,
not pretty sure why rainy season come this fast,
sometimes i love,
but, sometimes don't.
But, it's pretty cozy right now, sitting next to the window ,
listening to a good song,
sharing good laugh
sip a good latte,
i'm not good at writing lovely poems,
even it's raining and most people thinks it's perfect time to be mellow,
but, i just find it's cozy 
to staring at cloudy sky,
so you don't have to wear sunglasess, your eyes can see that not so clear sky,
perfect weather
i don't like spending this kind of time on the road..
sometimes i'm afraid of the thunder
but, okay
i still love little rain ^^

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