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Closer look to my cool sweater and my cullotes. And, my shoes, that one i bought at Malaysia. Unbranded one, but so comfy and match the navy colour in the flowers.

Hi, daisies ^^
So, here i want to write about my all time favourites pieces of my clothes. And this is not such a hype colours in this time, but, you know this colour is just like nude colour. Everlasting. Don't be so hard with this colour, you just need to pair it with some of basic colours such as black, white, grey aaand you're ready to go!
Here i'm wearing my daisy or floral sweater, with mustard colour in the middle of each flowers. Dominated in grey and blue. makes this sweater looks cool. cold tone ;)
And, i'm wearing my cotton pashmina hijab with mustard colour too, and this hijab is also my fav, usually i wear this in a casual occassion or at college. Because, this one is very comfortable.
Closer look to my cool sweater and my cullotes. And, my shoes, that one i bought at Malaysia. Unbranded one, but so comfy and match the navy colour in the flowers.
and that's also a little floral detail in my shoes. Lovely ;)
sorry 'bout my face expression. the sun was too bright, *lol
Stay cool^^